
MuliKids is a 501c3 non profit, all volunteer charity.  We have no office or salaries and therefore the majority of your donation will go towards helping a child stay in or attend High School.

How to Help

Muli Children’s International Education Program is sustained by private donations from the general public and the all volunteer Board of Directors. All proceeds go toward supporting children who are excelling in Math and Science in their current studies.

Non-Profit Status
Muli Children’s International Education Program is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization.

Monthly Donations
By Check – Use your banking Bill Payment service to send your monthly support.

By Credit Card – Click on Donate below and check the box “Make This Recurring (Monthly)” then enter your amount.

By Credit Card – One Time Donation
We use PayPal to process donations by credit card however, there is no need to have a PayPal account to donate using your credit card.

Click to Donate

Check/Money Order Donations
Muli Children’s International Education Program accepts cash donations including check and money orders. Please mail your donation to:

Muli Children’s International Education Program
In the US:
PO Box 77091
Corona, CA 92877, USA

In Kenya:
P.O. Box 428, Wanguru,
Wanguru Office, Code 316

In-Kind Donations
Muli Children’s International Education Program accepts in-kind donations such as:

  • introductions with Kenyan-born influencers who my champion our mission
  • catering/meeting rooms for fundraising and other events
  • office supplies used for fundraising efforts
  • booth fees at conferences and expos
  • books for MuliKids assignments (please email us for a current list)

Contact us at, regarding your in-kind donation.